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How To Care for A Parlour Palm Plant

How To Care for A Parlour Palm Plant

Chamaedorea elegans or Neanthe Bella (Parlour Palms) are incredibly mesmerising indoor plants that symbolise elegance, utility and are exceptionally adaptable to almost every space in your home. These gorgeous plants are slow growers and will stay manageable for years. These are the top pick for homes, offices, and even commercial businesses as they are excellent air purifiers, low-maintenance plants that will take you to a wilder yet relaxing place.

Read further to learn more about parlour palms and the caring tips to let them blossom the way they want!

Parlour Palm Houseplant Care

To plant indoor parlour palms, you need to know a few specific requirements they always ask for to flourish better. These slow growers have weak root systems, so they love to grow with few other plants. Check out more care tips for your parlour palms!

Light Requirements 

Parlour palms prefer low to bright indirect sunlight. However, for their better growth, place them under medium indirect sunlight. To prevent leaf scorch, never put your palms under direct light.

Watering Needs

Underwatering your Parlour Palm is generally a better option than overwatering. Ensure you keep the plant's soil slightly moist during its growing season. In colder months, you should wait for the soil to dry before watering it again. Palms need more watering in the summer months as they transpire water more often and much faster. Additionally, if your plants are receiving bright indirect sunlight, they require more frequent watering. Plants that are housed in smaller containers will also need to be watered more frequently than plants in larger ones.

Temperature and Humidity

A temperature ranging from 18°C to 26°C is ideal for your Parlour Palms. Your palms can tolerate low temperatures but will die if left in very cold environments. Make sure to protect your palms from the cold splash of air near windows or outside doors. Moreover, average humidity is suitable for your palms. Cold drafts and dry periods can cause brown tips and dry leaf margins, so make sure to increase the moisture instead of overwatering.


Your palms do not necessarily require many fertilisers, but since a single container has multiple separate plants cramped together, it is good to feed them at least twice. You can add nitrogen-rich fertiliser that slowly releases its nutrients to your parlour palms in the growing season. Compost or worm castings can also work well.

Common pests and diseases

Parlour palms are one of many plants susceptible to insects such as aphids, scale, mealy bugs, fungus gnats and whitefly. Always try to detect the infestation as early as you can. Leaf spots and root rot may appear on your parlor palms from excessive moisture due to overwatering.

Some final tips and advice

You might forget to water your Parlour Palms sometimes and this can cause their leaves to turn brown. It is easy to fix this however. You can just detach the foliage that has turned dry or crispy, and the plant will grow new leaves. To keep the plant’s leaves clean and to prevent insect growth, you can rinse your parlor plant under the sink or shower them with clean water. Moreover, while repotting your parlour plants, you can get rid of any entangled or dense roots simply by slicing through them, or you can slightly pull the roots apart by hand.

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