Syngonium Care Guide for Beginners

Syngonium Care Guide for Beginners

The most impressive characteristic of this easygoing indoor plant is that you can grow it the way you want. Encourage your Syngonium to thrive on a trellis, stake, or any wall. Their tendrils can bind themselves to surfaces; however, you should tie your older houseplants to their supports to provide the new growth some time to stick themselves to the stake. Younger, smaller indoor plants will get the support all by themselves as that is what they only do.

There are various varieties such as:

Arrowhead Vines are every plant collector's biggest dream as there’re various varieties, each one having its unique personality and character. Syngonium is among the perfect indoor plants for those with little to no houseplant care experience. This plant can survive a more extended period without fertiliser and can be located in almost every space with a bit of sunlight and thrive a long time. All houseplants want sunlight to succeed! Arrowhead vines, be cautious, are poisonous when ingested, so be extremely careful if you have small children and pets at home.


Although Syngonium is extremely low-sunlight tolerant, it can grow faster and feature their vibrant markings and colorings when grown in moderate to bright indirect sunlight. Direct light can cause their leaves to scorch. You can also develop this plant under artificial light if your home is light challenged. It’s good to move your Arrowhead vines near to any light source in winters, and make sure to rotate your Syngonium every time you water it or attend to it to encourage the full-bodied houseplant.


Allow these houseplants to dry out partly between watering. When left dry for a more extended period, their lower leaves can dry up and become brown. Soak the soil and allow your plant to re-hydrate if that happens. If the soil remains damp for a long time, its leaves will turn brown or yellow. When an indoor plant is overwatered, its soil becomes extremely waterlogged, inhibiting oxygen from reaching its roots. This bog-like soil condition is an ideal breeding pond of diseases and bacteria. That is meant to warn you from overwatering your plants.


Arrowhead Vines can thrive in most household temperature ranges around 60°F to 80°F. These plants do not prefer the temperature to fall below 50°F. Keep your plants away from any drafts and doorways in winters.


Average home humidity levels of about 40-50% are sufficient for your Syngonium houseplants, but most indoor plants benefit from humidity above 60% if possible.


Arrowhead vines need to be fertilised during their growing season with about ½ strength of complete liquid fertiliser twice every month. Or you can use a slow-releasing fertiliser or top-dress them with compost or worm castings in early spring.

Pro Tips

Try allowing your houseplants to grow long and decorate them as hanging plants as they mature.

If you want compact complete houseplants, then prune their foliage back to maintain their shape.

Propagate their cuttings in water as Syngonium develops roots very quickly. Please remember that some houseplants are patented and can’t be propagated.

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