Anthurium Plant Care 101

Anthurium Plant Care 101

Many types of Anthuriums are epiphytes which are kind of air plant that belongs to warm, tropical regions. They thrive on other plants' surfaces or in rich organic soil. Therefore, as an indoor plant, the anthurium is very durable and needs little care. You should repot these houseplants with coconut-based or peat moss soil mixture and provide them with bright, indirect light. It is necessary to let the soil partially dry out before watering again. Anthurium is an easy to care for and a charming houseplant that you must have in your home. For more strong flower growth, allow your anthurium to stay for about six weeks in little water during cold months at approximately 60°F temperature. Read along for more information on how you can give proper care to your anthurium.


Flowering Anthuriums require bright, indirect sunlight as direct light can scorch its leaves and flowers. Extremely low sunlight will slow its growth and develop fewer and smaller flowers.


Water your anthurium when the one inch of its soil seems dry to the touch. When you notice water starts seeping out of the drainage holes, it's time to stop watering. Overwatering can result in root rot. Anthurium needs more water when it gets excessive sunlight and warmth, so it's important to check its soil for dryness after every few days. This plant will show signs of thirst or stress, so you must pay attention. When you lift a thirsty plant, it will feel light and have puckering or droopy leaves. They don't need regular watering in colder months as they are not actively growing.


Anthuriums prefer extremely warm temperatures of about 70°F to 90°F. However, they are very adaptable and will flourish in normal household temperatures. It's important to be careful of extreme temperatures, as when the thermostat falls below 50°F, your anthurium won't grow properly. When the house temperature is too hot, anthuriums will start to wilt.


Anthuriums grow well in humidity, but most flowering varieties can easily tolerate dryness. When the moisture level is below 50%, use a humidifier to enhance the moisture level to 60%.


Feed the anthurium once every month using a total of ¼ strength liquid fertiliser during the spring and summer seasons. Excessive fertiliser will damage your plant more than provide benefits. To enhance more blooms, consider using a fertiliser rich in phosphorous during its growing season.

Anthurium Pro Tips

  • High-quality fertiliser with increased phosphorus will help encourage blooms in anthurium flowering varieties.
  • Use well-draining soil to prevent root rot, but it must hold enough water for better root absorption.
  • There is nothing to be alarmed about if you notice any roots growth from the stems. These are aerial roots that get benefits from frequent misting. However, if you don't want these roots, you can anytime cut them off without damaging your plant.
  • When your anthuriums grow big, place them in larger containers. Crowded roots can stunt your plant's growth.
  • If the flowers seem to be fade and need to be removed, you can cut them at the base of its stem nearest to the plant’s base.

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